Artist Mentorship Program
Michael working on "The Apotheosis of Hope"
We offer a 3-month mentorship for dedicated artists looking to expand their craft. This mentorship program, co-taught by both Michael & Violet Divine, is for artists who want to:
- Learn techniques for translating their ideas onto the canvas
- Broaden their creative explorations through discussions about composition, art history, and more,
- And deepen their relationship to their artistic path.
We meet twice a week via Google Meet alternating weekly between Michael & Violet. One session is an hour long group session in a lecture style format and the second is a shorter one-on-one to discuss individual paintings. In each meeting, we share and demonstrate different creative techniques, talk about approaches to art making, and explore aspects of the creative path as we work towards finishing a fully realized painting.
Some of the topics we cover include:
- Drawing out the personal creative language
- Explorations of art history, theory, composition, and more
- Methods for overcoming the obstacles that inhibit our creativity
- And MUCH MORE all with the direct intention to help YOU become a better, more confident artist
Forward movement and a commitment to the process are required. Honesty, openness, and a willingness to communicate are a MUST. You have to WANT to paint because of that inner drive, that burning fire to create: to make art simply for the love of it. We go deep and explore the fears and roadblocks on the path as well as the satisfaction we find when we touch on the brilliance of success.
If you would like to invest in yourself and find new ways and methods of harnessing your creativity, then we would love to hear from you!
What Previous Students Have Said:
“The benefits became apparent the beginning of our first class. I Immediately began seeing the limitations that my current method of painting was presenting me with. I was also being reconnected to myself through the exploration of a series of drawings that evolved a tremendous amount, in the ample amount of time that we spent working on the heart of the idea.”
“I have dedicated all my energy to these classes and I can tell that Michael is doing the same. His passion added an immense amount of light to my candle flame of insight. I was able to start peeling through layers of my work, I have long felt needed to be let go of. Just as much so, I was inspired to seek new symbols, forms, feelings, and emotions inside myself, and channel them to the canvas in my own artistic flow. At no time though, was my artistic ability frowned upon. I felt an open space to create what ever my heart desired, no institutional babble, just pure freedom with discipline at the core.”
“I would do it all over again, even though I won’t need to, with the depth of Michael’s attention to detail, I have ample amounts of lessons to dance with. They will last a life time, or even longer. How could I ever thank Michael for his grace and blessings, and for choosing me as one of his students? Thank you, Michael!”
Feedback from the Artist Mentorship Program
– Zach Jackson
“Working with Michael has been an invaluable experience. He does a great job at identifying appropriate areas of focus based on where you are in your process of learning.”
“Our weekly meetings have provided helpful feedback and goal setting to keep moving along smoothly. Michael regularly demonstrates key points for improvement, and the eyes and ear of a great artist is a wonderful thing to have readily available.”
“I’m so happy that things fell into place to bring this opportunity into my path, and I look forward eagerly in anticipation of the works I will create with a newfound perspective on my practice.”
Feedback from the Artist Mentorship Program
– Ryan Gallagher
“Before I worked with Michael’s mentorship, I felt stuck in my painterly evolution. Although confident in my vibrants expressions of pure abstraction. I didn’t have much formal training in the finer side of figurative art. In many ways, I felt abstract art speaks too softly for most to hear, so I wanted to convey more meaning by overt surrealistic means, and with visionary aspirations.”
“What I’ve found is great about Michael from the start is that he has the foresight to emphasize what makes one unique, while giving me the tools that enhance the depth of my expression.”
“I hadn’t ever given as much thought to the process of what becomes my final artwork, but Michael showed me the value of drawing more drawings and exploring themes further, as he gave numerous ideas of how to rework a concept before committing it to canvas.”
“I feel very unpracticed and hence unconfident when it came to drawing, but he showed me how to sketch better and quicker, and to save all the details for the final drawing.”
“I learned how to draw a landscape scene drawing in various perspectives, and how to turn them into surrealistic interpretations, while merging my abstract expressionism with realistic storytelling elements.”
“On top of all that, I love to explore the visionary realm of art, and I appreciated that Michael is asking me to reflect on the expression of my deepest sorrows and highest joys. Exploring the process of transformation through paint gives me pause to reflect what’s going on in my life as well.”
“And yet, I have even more to discover as I’m only halfway through my class. It’s just what I needed to recharge myself as an artist, and learn how to make each canvas a masterpiece that communicates clearly, with great emotional charge and spiritual vision.”
“I feel honored to learn from this extraordinarily-talented artist, whose understanding and compassion is just as big as his vision.”
Feedback from the Artist Mentorship Program
– Tiffany Davis-Rustam
“Working with Michael Divine and Amanda Sage was a truly engaging experience. It was fun, pushed my edges as a creative being, and gave me techniques to express myself in more effective ways. I surprised myself with what I was able to create! The guidance I received from Michael has fostered my growth as I step into understanding myself more as a visionary artist.”
Feedback from Painting Workshop with Michael Divine and Amanda Sage in Los Angeles, CA
– Sarah Greene
“Taking Michael and Violet’s workshop gave me some great insights about how to render light and shadow, how to apply color theory to my work, and how to preplan a good composition. I feel like seeing Michael’s workflow firsthand was incredibly helpful in demystifying how to build up an image. The techniques he teaches are time honored traditional painting methods that can be applied to creating a wide variety of imagery. He was also very thorough in demonstrating how to use brushes and paints effectively. Both Michael and Violet gave excellent critiques of my painting throughout the workshop. Their guidance helped me to confront resistance to making bold changes to the painting.”
“Both Michael and Violet are excellent teachers and wonderful people! I highly recommend considering seeking out their mentorship whether you are a novice or seasoned artist. They have something to offer to people from all walks of life.”
Feedback from Painting Workshop with Michael Divine in Berkeley, CA
– Ben Ridgeway